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My Blog Isn't Going To Save The World

My blog isn’t going to save the world.

Of course I never really believed it would. Or, at least I knew that I shouldn’t believe it. 

But, a small rebellious part of me realized that I couldn’t continue to write a blog unless I believed it could make some difference. A little piece of me knew that it must continue to believe. Must hold on to the hope that I could start a ripple of kindness and common sense that would grow into a tsunami of love and acceptance and sweep across the world.

A part of me felt like maybe if I just kept pointing out how little sense it made to hate each other. Kept pointing out that we’re all a part of the same web, interconnected through breath and water and story, that somehow that would make all the difference.

Who knew I could be so optimistic? I didn’t even know that this tiny idealistic part of me had survived somewhere deep inside, until suddenly it was silent.

I haven’t written a blog in a month. (maybe more?)

I have started many different blogs, but always about halfway through, instead of finding that little voice that pushed me to keep going, that told me that this is the blog that just might make a difference; there’s been a different voice.

A voice that asks me why I think anybody would listen to me. A voice that wonders if what I have to say is worth putting out into the world at all.

How could one small blog, written in a small Canadian city by an unknown writer possibly make any difference in a world hell bent on war and destruction?

My blog isn’t going to save the world, no matter how much I want it to. 

My blog isn’t going to give people the key to feel their connections to each other and know they’re not alone.

My blog isn’t even going  to get people to agree to just stop killing each other. (How is war still seen as a viable answer to anything in 2024?)

My blog is just a little piece of me, that I wrap delicately in words and send out into the world in the hopes that it will make someone smile, feel empowered, or connected.

Then again, you never believed that my blog might save the world (since I told you it wouldn’t, right in the title), and yet, here you are, still reading. Somehow, my blog was worth

it for you. 

Worth it enough that you carved a few minutes away from the rest of the world to read these words. Even though you already knew that I was not a celebrity, or an expert or an oracle. Even though you already knew that this was a small blog, written in a small Canadian city by an unknown writer.

And maybe that’s all that actually matters. 

If just you read this blog and this blog stirs a little something in your heart, then this blog has done what it was meant to in the world.

Maybe this blog was always meant to be a love letter to you. To let you know how special you are and that you are worth it. You are enough just as you are.

My blog doesn’t need to save the world. My blog is here to shed a little light when it seems dark. My blog is here to connect me to you.

And that is enough.

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