I had a new character show up in my head the other day. A woman in her late seventies, with alert dark brown eyes, wispy white hair and milk chocolate coloured skin. When I asked who she was, she told me her name wasn’t important, it was her message she wanted me to hear and remember.
I thought she was here to tell me her story and I politely tried to dissuade her. I have two books on the go right now, which is already definitely one too many, and no room to start a third.
She said she didn’t come to tell me any stories, that instead, she was here to tell me the truth about magick. She was tired of writers putting all their fanciful ideas about magick into the world, it was time for a little truth.
So, here’s her truth that I am passing on to you.
Magick’s not about waving a stick around and saying words in a dead language. It’s not a gift given only to a few special people and it doesn’t differentiate based on gender, religion, race, political views or any other such ridiculousness.
Magick is what happens when we let go of the hyperfocus we usually have on our hopes, wants and needs and instead enter a state of harmony with all that is. It’s not resisting or wanting, we even have a word for it, we usually call it being in the state of flow.
Our natural state is to be one with the magick that’s all around us, but most of us have lost our way.
We’ve made magick into a force that can be manipulated and used to create power, control and wealth. The stories we spin in modern day about magick have made magick into a vehicle we can use to get what we want.
This is greed and longing, not magick.
The closest most humans can get to magick is when they enter brief times of flow state. Flow state happens when we’re so immersed in an activity that we’re no longer thinking, resisting or wanting, but instead we’re moving with the flow of the energy that’s all around us.
We see examples of people who dabble in magick all the time. Artists’ whose work speaks to millions of people, who can move us to laugh or cry with a song, a story or an image; they are creating with magick.
Athletes who set unbelievable world records, scientists, naturalists or mathematicians who are able to see patterns in the world around us that are invisible or incomprehensible to others; they are creating with magick.
Magick isn’t something we can use, it’s something we can be in harmony with while we create. Some people manage to access magick and then drive themselves crazy with the desire to be there again. The more desperate they are to find that state, the less able they actually are to enter it.
I asked the old woman if we could all access magick through mindfulness and she studied me quietly for a few minutes before answering.
Mindfulness is probably your best hope. So many people spend countless hours tidying their house, their car, their clothes, their body, but spend no time at all tidying their mind. Such a waste.
She looked at me almost sadly.
But, if you practice mindfulness because you want access to magick, then you’ll be standing exactly in your own way. Magick will never be there when you want it because wanting takes you out of the state of flow.
Magick exists only in what’s real, you can’t find it in the past or future, you can’t find it in your hopes or dreams.
But, don’t get the wrong idea, magick isn’t eluding you. It wants to invite you in, it’s in its very nature to be a state of acceptance, of blissful surrender.
It’s you who are running from the magick. It’s you who has been taught to cherish emptiness and turn your back on the magick that’s really real.
When you’re so busy being a Human Doing that you have no time for Being, you also have no time for magick.
